Wednesday, April 27, 2011

and Lombok

Compass News, the lens of Sulawesi dark ape (Macaca nigra), whose local label is Jackie yaki.
When the directional is the ecology reserve where the fruit is the percentage of North Sulawesi East.
British naturalist Alfred. Luse Er. Wallace (Alfred Russel Wallace) to the well-known scholar of Darwin, providing fruit when the fruit inspection report, which led to achievement of the theory of evolution proposed thesis, (On The Origin of Species).
come here principally for researchers and tourists approximately the world, take a ship into the Reserve when the fruit is.
Sulawesi Island, the elemental ecological scenery, this belongs to all mankind invaluable resources, some local break, a number of infrequent and jeopardized species are dying.
Original Title: When the world's biological assets fruit fruit Nature Reserve (24 Compass reported Kompas11 picture fable translation)
in Indonesia North Sulawesi (Sulawesi Utara) than the East (Bitung) of the fruit when the fruit (Tangkoko) Nature Reserve, dense thickets, hundreds of trees, on the ribbons knotted to record a elevation and spacing. ( base left)
four protected areas in the wizard to 1 of Frankie (Frangki), he told journalists, Sulawesi black ape the famous (Macaca nigra), whose local name is Jackie yaki.
the sun is still slumbering, journalists and Celebes (Sulawesi, formerly known as) exploratory activity (Exploring Celebes) 6 photographers has in-depth while the fruit is protected place. is to celebrate Wallace (Wallace) (right) of 150 anniversary of the expedition,toronto asian escort, sponsored by the National Geographic Society in Indonesia, Japan, Sony (Sony) sponsored by Indonesia.
we premier shook slowly , altitude of the tree fair fell on the floor seeing as Jackie black ape tribe, in the same vicinity,toronto escorts, we met with the sorcerer likewise two exotic researchers who emulate Jackie's operations form a detailed disc of their action.
The number of researchers? by 6 months to a season, each season there are about 6 folk. Most of them come from Europe. also said that foreign passengers every year to reach a thousand human, they come to see Jackie gibbon, small birds (Maleo) endemic birds and other wildlife.
fruit when the fruit (beneath right) is the world's biologists known, it is this location, so that young British naturalist Alfred. Luse Er. Wallace (Alfred Russel Wallace), 1850 In the first set foot, you dwell in the trees in, but in the beach building small birds to arrange eggs apertures (Macrocephalon maleo), the unique shape of wild boar (Babyrousa) (left) and dazzled.
1850-1860 period, the Wallace investigation in Indonesia numerous times, careful records of the delivery of brutal animals He base that the most local differences with Indonesia, India and Australia biogeographical region, east Indonesia, the two identified geographical boundaries of the biosphere, which namely currently understood of the Mandan Island (Kalimantan) and Sulawesi (Sulawesi) among the Strait. apt the south of Bali (Bali) and Lombok (Lombok), fashioning a line.
Wallace In 1858, a famous British biologist Charles Darwin has been to invest inspection reports and the development of biological evolution theory papers, present their learn results when the fruit fruit tin be said that the inspection report, led to Darwin afterward in 1859, prose Origin of Species who crash via entire the reasons set foot in perilous times.
from the outlook of maintenance biology, Sulawesi Island,We actively participated in the Made history with China . The world namely our mutual family, the proportion of matchless wildlife, the maximum in Indonesia. When fruit is Nature Reserve is one major biological Sulawesi homes, where the 8.718 ha, 26 species of mammals, 10 species are peerless to the island of Sulawesi wild animals; 180 species of birds, 59 species of Sulawesi Island and the North Sula Wei 5 Some West; different 15 species of reptiles and amphibians.
Wallace affection of those who make small birds (Macrocephalon maleo), wild boar (Babyrousa), there was contained in 1996, the United Nations Convention on International Trade in Appendix Ⅰ There are other endemic species still exist, such as Jackie Sulawesi black ape (Macaca nigra), pocket-sized tree monkey when Fidel (tangkasi or Tarsius spectrum) Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill helmet (Rhyticeros cassidix), composed of local The maximum acceptable species. (left: full of fungus and other fungi of large fruit when the fruit forest.)
for academic and educational purposes, I do no know how many specialists and scholars in Indonesia and abroad, visited when the fruit fruit . Since the fruit when the fruit can be called: Species diversity heart of the world, those endangered species if the extinction, not only Indonesia, yet also the whole world in despair.
Above: close outlook of 察苏拉威西 foreign researchers Jackie black monkey (Macaca nigra). left: Tree Monkey Pocket When Castro (tangkasi); in: small birds (Macrocephalon maleo); left: lowland dwarf buffalo (Bubalus depressicornis antelope loudspeaker, buffalo),
bottom left : When the fruit is unique in the unique shape of wild boar (Babyrousa)
right: Helmet Sulawesi wrinkled hornbill (Rhyticeros cassidix). in: small birds (Macrocephalon maleo).
prominent British biologist Alfred Ryder. Luse Er. Wallace (Alfred Russel Wallace), a memorial to the chapel in the UK Llanbadoc.

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