Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April 22 namely the 1st of 38 sustainable technological evolution concept

April 22 is the premier of 38 sustainable technological development conception, set to treat the Earth is everyone's responsibility, conservation of resources can be starting from the side, from the start of the citizen feeling of their own go, establishing a socialist harmonious society. exertions to achieve population, resources and environment in harmony, promoting economic sound and rapid development; to conserve energy resources and protect the ecological environment as a starting point to enhance the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure; implementation of the , land and resources management to enhance the capacity and level; lusty advocate for health, conservation, environmental protection, consumption patterns and a agreeable social atmosphere, so that the entire community an active part in building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society.
Earth Day in the environment the environment of increasingly serious pollution generated. China since 1990, held every year to commemorate Earth Day campaign.'s anniversary Earth Day has become a holiday prevalent to mankind, which is shrieking human to esteem the earth, protect the earth and Treat the Earth's daytime is any better we browse the protection and reasonable use of resources and fulfill agreeable development between man and nature daytime.
Earth namely the merely survival of a better family. mankind in the long process of historical development, namely is, by the development and utilization of the earth's resources, survive, and improve productivity, improve living criteria, thus creating a gorgeous civilization of mankind, the world namely the mama of mankind. Treat the earth, care and protection of resources is essentially the conservation of human survival and sustainable development of their own . We absence apt protect resources: conservation of land resources, mineral resources, water resources, sailor resources, biological resources and other natural resources. Natural resources are expensive to mankind Mother Earth attribute,toronto escort, resources and surroundings, are the basic conditions as human survival, of human survival and economic and social foundation for the development of the material. the earth gave birth to the human, the human culture for thousands of years to enormous environmental and resource prices in commute for economy growth and social progress, human use and expense of a kind of often resources, yet likewise influence their survival. the fast development of their modern human matter, merely ignore the resources and the environment equilibrium and harmony in the brilliant achievements, yet also paid a massive cost. With the increasing population and industrial development, given the Earth's human agreeable increasingly massive load. At present, population resources and environment into economy and social crisis of sustainable development are severely constrained. saving resources to protect the environment, adhere to a comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, we to avoid a serious collision among male and nature later the misadventure buffet the only path out. All in always warn us: Technology Command and the confrontation of social civilization and nature, so that entire mankind are jointly facing a fashionable crisis of population, resources and environment, the expansion of economic scale, the universal environment over the past 30 years, continued to disintegrate. In recent decades, human nature to aggrandize way to resources from the same time, the rate of erasure of an unprecedented universal ecological environment, universal weather and environment so dramatically. Statistics show that: Since 1860, meteorological instrument observations on log, the global mean temperature mushrooms by 0.6 degrees Celsius,Linan direction, the 13 warmest years since 1983 were .20 in the 80's, the globe affected by calamities each annual The average number of 1.47 million, when the 20th century, 90 years, this figure mushrooms to 2.11 million. About 40% of the world's population, severe water shortages, whether this trend is no inhibited, within 30 years, the global 55 % of the population will face water shortages. deterioration of the natural environment is also a solemn menace to brutal category on the planet. Today approximately 12% of bird species and a 15 min of mammals threatened with extinction, meantime one-third of over-fishing has led to exhaustion of fish stocks. In our nation, the rebuttal between man and nature has not been so serious, the emergence of economic and social resources for development has convert increasingly facing serious bottlenecks and environmental capacity limitations. China's great population,beijing escort, low per capita resources, which economic and social development is one momentous ingredient, China's land area ranks third in the world, per capita arable land, woodland, grassland, respectively, equal to the world average of 43%, 18%, 35%. China's aggregate mineral wealth of the staff, but the per capita is only 58% of the world average, and lacking types of resources, and some very cheap grade. absence of water resources, per capita world average is only 1 / 4, northern areas are extra scarce. along to population, the average arable land, the class of low, is listed for the world's 13 water-poor countries, estate of water per unit zone of ​​cultivated land is only 80% of the world average. more than 92% of basic energy, 80% and 30% of industrial raw materials and civil industrial and agricultural water , entire from the mineral resources, on the one hand is the absence of resources, when resource utilization is low, so that the situation is very serious shortage of resources. the earth's natural resources are restricted, the Earth mm mm human systems the balance of life and material creation and regulation is restricted. For a long period, a considerable part of the land resources development and utilization of roomy, serious consume of scarce resources exacerbated the situation; resources development and utilization of environmental protection and management is lagging backward, resulting in deterioration of the environment, sustainable economic and social shock development.

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