Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Kidneys are the body's vital apparatuses, has been called , equitable as the nature of a tsunami earthquake, overflow floods, the consequences could be unfortunate. Therefore, the conservation of the kidney is especially major. So how do we protect in our annual life, the 1) enhance physical fitness
the maximum important measures for prevention of chronic nephritis, is training, and enhance the aptitude of the body resistance. There are numerous ways to exercise, wading, distance running, dancing, hiking, shipping, martial arts, qigong, Tai Chi, etc., are always conducive to good health, enhance the body resistance and prevent bacterial infection of the immune rejoinder behind the injury occurred. but cautious whom renal disease patients.
(2) prevention of infection
nephritis often associated with the occurrence of upper respiratory infections and other pertinent, often outside the subject chilly, air heat, rheumatism, heat, noxious heat because of evil for the beginning, accordingly, to prevent the occurrence of nephritis, we should pay attention to weather changes of cold and warm, avoid rain day out, sweating while the wind, wading rain, wearing wet clothes, the invasion of alert evils.
(3) living there often
develop good habits for good health is very important. for life is not law, insufficient slumber, overeating, over wine and women, redundant work and recess, may reduce the body's resistance of external evil, to mushroom accidents of becoming sick, so in daily life, should work and rest, recess period, yin and yang poise to maintain the body, blood Regulating.
(4) sick early treatment of skin boils
prurigo, upper respiratory tract infection, recurrent tonsillitis, nephritis may have become students,toronto escorts, it namely disease and early handling namely required. apt maintain vaginal washing, frequently changes the dress to discourage urinary tract infection; to reserve the stool in the smooth, regular bowel campaigns, it will help exclude metabolic consume.
(5) the morale of optimism
nephritis innate quality of the human, should be attentive to the pathogenesis, but no pessimistic,toronto escorts, but should eliminate the psychological terror of disease, the progression of the disease from their parents study the lessons of assured prevention. In adding to normal physical movement should be strengthened, the kidney yin absence may Supplements Liu Wei Di Huang Wan, Wei Qi deficiency may Supplements Yupingfengsan to kidney Peiyuan, solid security table to prevent the evils bombarded the accident of disease induced nephritis.
(6) accustomed with admonition in renal toxicity Drug
aminoglycoside antibiotics such as gentamicin, kanamycin, streptomycin and amikacin,no well filled, polymyxin, tetracycline, vancomycin, neomycin, antibiotics such as Pioneer 2 , there is a certain renal toxicity can accessible lead to kidney abuse, so ought be no. non-steroidal anti-inflammatory narcotics such as aspirin, ibuprofen, phenylbutazone, indomethacin, and other inflammatory pain, Kang Xi, likewise lightly lead to kidney damage, is extra suitable because patients with continuing nephritis. Others, such as sulfa drugs, rifampicin and contrast deputies, antineoplastic agents often have renal toxicity, should disburse deserving care to the characteristic applying, alternatively to shirk the need, or depress doses.

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